A Journey to Easter
Get ready!
Make an Easter Tree
To prepare for your journey to Holy Week, find a branch or stick to make your own Easter tree. You might want to ask for permission before you trim a random tree in your neighbourhood! Place it in a vase with water, or some oasis. Find a gold place at home that everyone will be able to see it each day.
You might want to add your own decorations to your tree - so be as creative as you can!
Make your ornaments
Each pack contains 8 wooden oraments, string and stickers. Match the stickers up so you have a front and back, peel and stick them onto a disc. Thread the string through and tie a knot.
To prepare for your journey to Holy Week, find a branch or stick to make your own Easter tree. You might want to ask for permission before you trim a random tree in your neighbourhood! Place it in a vase with water, or some oasis. Find a gold place at home that everyone will be able to see it each day.
You might want to add your own decorations to your tree - so be as creative as you can!
Make your ornaments
Each pack contains 8 wooden oraments, string and stickers. Match the stickers up so you have a front and back, peel and stick them onto a disc. Thread the string through and tie a knot.
Print out large versions
If you want to print out large versions of the ornament illustrations,, you can download the file below and print them on A3 or larger. There is a circle line to guide your trimming. We found wooden circles at Spotlight for $4 each and made bigger versions for our display.
Download Easter A3 printable pdf
If you want to print out large versions of the ornament illustrations,, you can download the file below and print them on A3 or larger. There is a circle line to guide your trimming. We found wooden circles at Spotlight for $4 each and made bigger versions for our display.
Download Easter A3 printable pdf
Day 1: Palm Sunday
Story: Jesus enters Jerusalem, Mark 11:1-11
- Look up! to see what God has to say
“Hosanna in the highest! Jesus is King!” the people shouted. What an unusual king, riding in on a humble donkey! God often does things in the most unexpected way. Have you ever been surprised at the things God has done in your life? - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
Jesus was humble – he didn’t show off, make himself look more important, or put others down. Whether we are good at something, or struggle with other things, we have a choice about how we respond to the good time and tough times, and how we show love and humility. - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
We can encourage others by cheering them on! We might not have palm branches, but we can use our words to build others up. Who can you cheer on this week?
Other ideas for Palm Sunday
Other Holy Week ideas
- Messy Church Palm Sunday ideas, including edible donkey poo and 'palm sundaes'!
- The Lost Sheep have produced a story called Dave the Donkey, which works really well for Palm Sunday
- Palm Sunday story from BRF
- Easter Palms for Holy Week from BRF
- Painted chalk palm leaves on Connectible
Other Holy Week ideas
- A Lego journey through Holy Week
- The Faithful Families website outlines a great way to get the whole family engaged in the journey of Easter week - includes daily stations/symbols, and questions to ask your kids each day.
- Holy Week Boxes
- 'What's in the Bible' summarises what Holy week is all about, with explanations for each day. Includes colouring in sheets and info
Day 2: Monday
Story: Jesus and the Temple, Mark 11:15-19
- Look up! to see what God has to say
Sometimes we can lose sight of what is important. Maybe we take our friends or family for granted, or we forget to include God in our day. Look out for someone who is lonely or left out this week. - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
Think about your school, community or church. Are you taking good care of it? Is anyone excluded? Could you do something to look after the space and people better? Think of one thing you can do to make a difference this week. - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
God is already at work in your neighbourhood and community, restoring and fixing the world. Can you see what He is doing? How can we join in with God in His mission to heal and restore your community?
Day 3: Tuesday
Story: Love, Mark 12: 28-33
Day 4: Wednesday
Story: Mary and her perfume, John 12:1-8
You can read this story in the Jesus Storybook Bible: Washed with tears, P.280-285
You can read this story in the Jesus Storybook Bible: Washed with tears, P.280-285
- Look up! to see what God has to say
Mary gave Jesus her most precious possession. If Jesus was here now, what would be your greatest gift to him? - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
Sometimes we can misunderstand situations or people too, if we can’t see the whole picture. The disciples misunderstood Mary pouring her perfume on Jesus - but it made perfect sense to Jesus. Have you misunderstood someone? Remember to put yourself in their shoes, and think about how you can be kind in the way you respond. - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
Find something that smells beautiful, and surprise someone else with it. Perhaps it could be a flower, a cookie, a candle…. Be creative!
Day 5: Maundy Thursday
Story: Jesus shares some kai with friends, Mark 14:12-26
You can also read today’s story Jesus Storybook Bible, The Servant King and A dark night in the garden, p.286 - 301
You can also read today’s story Jesus Storybook Bible, The Servant King and A dark night in the garden, p.286 - 301
- Look up! to see what God has to say
That evening, Jesus celebrated the Passover with his friends – this was a special meal to remember how God had rescued them from being slaves in Egypt. But this year, God was getting ready for a greater rescue. What are you thankful for today? - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
That evening, because he loved his friends, Jesus washed their dirty feet. This was usually a job for a servant, but Jesus showed he was a servant king! How can you lovingly serve others this week? - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
In today’s story, Peter jumps up to defend Jesus when the soldier arrive to arrest him. We can help defend our friends with our words by praying for them. Think of someone who is in trouble, and ask God to protect them.
More ideas
Bible Society colouring sheet
Bible Society colouring sheet
Day 6: Good Friday
Story: Jesus dies on the cross, Mark 15:1-47
You can also read this story in the Jesus Storybook Bible: The sun stops shining, p.302-308
You can also read this story in the Jesus Storybook Bible: The sun stops shining, p.302-308
- Look up! to see what God has to say
It was the saddest day. When Jesus died, it looked like everything had gone wrong. But what people had meant for bad, God used for good as part of his great rescue plan for the world. When you’re in a tough situation, remember it’s not the end of the story… - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
After Jesus died, a loyal man called Joseph summoned his courage and asked Pilate for Jesus’ body. Joseph wrapped Jesus in linen cloth, and put the body in a tomb cut out into the rock. He covered the entrance with a large stone. Think about someone who has been loyal to you, and thank God for them. - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
Good Friday reminds us that God is there with us, in the worst of times. No matter what has happened, Jesus understands and can help us stay on the journey to Easter Sunday. The story isn’t over…
Resurrection Eggs
Make and Easter Garden
Our friends at St Stephens Tamahere put together some great instructions for making an Easter Garden. Download it here (pdf)
Old Rugged Cross
This beautiful Easter decoration will help you and your family remember Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
- Using symbols to unpack the Easter story - a creative way to engage children of all ages. Symbols could include a leaf, donkey, small cup, coins, thorn, fabric, nail, dice, cross, stone, and the last one is empty.
- Other symbols and instructions can be found here
- You can simplify the eggs for preschoolers, like this one here
Make and Easter Garden
Our friends at St Stephens Tamahere put together some great instructions for making an Easter Garden. Download it here (pdf)
Old Rugged Cross
This beautiful Easter decoration will help you and your family remember Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
Day 7: Easter Saturday
Story: A sad, dark day
The Bible doesn’t tell us what happens on that Easter Saturday, as Jesus’ body lay in the tomb. His friends and family would have been ‘looking up, in and out’ to see where God was, in such a sad time. God’s rescue plan for the world was taking place, as Jesus took our place for the pain and wrong things in the world. It seemed like death had the last word. But the story is not over…
The Bible doesn’t tell us what happens on that Easter Saturday, as Jesus’ body lay in the tomb. His friends and family would have been ‘looking up, in and out’ to see where God was, in such a sad time. God’s rescue plan for the world was taking place, as Jesus took our place for the pain and wrong things in the world. It seemed like death had the last word. But the story is not over…
Day 8: Easter Sunday
Story: Jesus is alive! Mark 16:1-8
- Look up! to see what God has to say
3 days later, God revealed his wonderful surprise. Jesus was not dead anymore, he was alive! God could take the even the worst event, and turn it for good. Decorate your tree with bright decorations and flowers to turn it from a branch into a wonderful, colourful tree. - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
Easter Sunday is a day of celebration, hope and joy! Have fun with family and friends today, celebrating that Jesus is alive! - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
When Mary found out the news, she ran as fast as she could to tell everyone. Her heart was full of joy! Can you tell the story of Holy Week to someone using your decorations?
"Jesus lived and Jesus loved, to show us how the Father loves"
Other ideas
Bible Society Colouring Sheet
Bible Society Colouring Sheet