A Journey through Advent
Get ready!
Prepare your wooden ornaments
Each pack contains 6 wooden ornaments, string and stickers. Match the stickers up so you have a front and back, peel and stick them onto a disc. Thread the string through and tie a knot. Find a great place to put your decorations for each day - perhaps this is on your Christmas tree, or on an advent wreath, or hang them somewhere you will see them each day. Be as creative as you can! Make an Advent Wreath To prepare for your journey through Advent, you may like to make an advent wreath to mark each week. You can buy a wreath at a store, or make your own. Advent Reading Plans You might like to set yourself or your family a challenge this Advent, and read your way through some Bible stories in the lead up to Christmas. Here are a few to check out:
Print out large versions
If you want to print out large versions of the ornament illustrations, you can download the file below and print them on A3 or larger. There is a circle line to guide your trimming. We found wooden circles at Spotlight for $4 each and made bigger versions for our own display.
Look up! Look in! Look out!Advent is a great 6 week opportunity for us to intentionally walk through this season with our intergenerational whānau.
Each week we have three key action points to help us explore how we can:
1st Sunday in Advent: Hope
Story: Jesus is part of God's special plan, Romans 15:13
Hope is a feeling of expectation, believing that things will go well.
Hope is a feeling of expectation, believing that things will go well.
- Look up! to see what God has to say
For a really long time, the world had been waiting - hoping - to fix their broken friendship with God, but God was quiet, and didn’t seem to hear their prayers. Until now... until Jesus. What do you hope God would do in the world today? - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friendsWhat do you hope God will do in your own life? I wonder if God’s hopes for you are bigger, braver than the ones you have for yourself?
- Look out! to see how we share this story with othersLook out! Often we may hope that God will step in to help our friends and family, forgetting that we may be the answer to our own prayer. Who can you give hope to this week?
2nd Sunday of Advent: Love
Story: Mary and Joseph begin their journey to Bethlehem, Luke 2:1-7
Our second week in Advent reminds us of God’s amazing love, unfolding in a little town of Bethlehem. God’s aroha for the world was about to change the world.
Our second week in Advent reminds us of God’s amazing love, unfolding in a little town of Bethlehem. God’s aroha for the world was about to change the world.
- Look up! to see what God has to say
What’s the most important thing? “Love God!” Jesus said. Make a list of five things that you love about God and the amazing world we live in. - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friendsWho do you love? Who are the important people in your life? When we love someone, we should be slow to blame, and quick to forgive. Thank God for your whānau, and ask Him to help you to love them well, like He does.
- Look out! to see how we share this story with others
There are a million ways to show someone you love them, or show a friend you are thinking of them! Can you think of a fun, creative way to show someone you care about them?
3rd Sunday in Advent: Joy
Story: Jesus enters Jerusalem, Mark 11:1-11
An angel appeared to the (terrified!) shepherds and told them a baby had been born in Bethlehem - and that
this news would bring great joy for the whole world.
An angel appeared to the (terrified!) shepherds and told them a baby had been born in Bethlehem - and that
this news would bring great joy for the whole world.
- Look up! to see what God has to say
We can be joyful because of all that God has done for us. Write or draw some of your favourite things God has done (or created!) and talk to your whānau, sharing the ideas everyone has come up with. - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
God’s news of great joy is for everyone! No limits or restrictions! Draw or doodle some prayer words of how this makes you feel. - Look out! to see how we share this story with othersWhen the shepherds heard the news, they jumped up and ran to Bethlehem to see for themselves. How could you show your friends what God’s joy looks like?
4th Sunday of Advent: Peace
Story: The angels have a message for the shepherds, Luke 2:13-20
The angels had an important message for the shepherds: that this baby would be good news for everyone, bringing “Peace on Earth!”
The angels had an important message for the shepherds: that this baby would be good news for everyone, bringing “Peace on Earth!”
- Look up! to see what God has to say
If we are feeling worried, God can still give us peace - despite our circumstances. Perhaps peace looks like trusting God’s timing, believing He loves us unconditionally, and trusting Him for a better day tomorrow. What does peace look like for you? - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
Like a wobbly boat in a big storm, we can find it hard to find peace sometimes. How can you know God’s peace, when you feel wobbly or uncertain of things? - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
Think of a country that needs God’s peace. Write it on a Post-it note and put it on the fridge, to remind you to pray for the people of that land.
Christmas Eve: Light
?Story: The bright star told the world that something special had happened. Matthew 2:1-12
The bright star over Bethlehem led the Magi to the little King, reminds us that Jesus is ‘the light of the world’.
The bright star over Bethlehem led the Magi to the little King, reminds us that Jesus is ‘the light of the world’.
- Look up! to see what God has to say
A bright star showed the Magi that something special had happened, and they needed to do something about it. What is God reminding you of today, and what could you do about it? - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
On Christmas Eve, we may feel a mix of emotions! Tired, excited, expectant. Take a look around and count how many lights you can see, and ask God to help you shine his love into the world. - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
In a battle between light and dark, light always wins! Light overcomes the darkness. Our challenge is to be people of light, who shine God’s love into the world. How can you shine this summer holiday?
Christmas Day: Jesus
Story: On Christmas day we celebrate that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6
On Christmas Day, we remember how God loved us so much, He sent his own Son to Earth. Jesus / Ihu, the unlikely King - a gentle, vulnerable, tiny baby in Bethlehem.
On Christmas Day, we remember how God loved us so much, He sent his own Son to Earth. Jesus / Ihu, the unlikely King - a gentle, vulnerable, tiny baby in Bethlehem.
- Look up! to see what God has to say
When have you seen God’s love and kindness to you today? - Look in! to see how to live out the story with faith-filled friends
There have been many people in Jesus’ story so far - Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, angels... if you were a character in God’s special, true story, who would you be and why? - Look out! to see how we share this story with others
Christmas Day can be filled with some of our favourite things - family, friends, and food. However, today can also be a stressful day for many: those who may feel lonely, who struggle with money, and have difficult family situations. How can you be kind to others this Christmas Day?
Other Advent Resources
Here are some other ideas for the Christmas and Advent season.
Advent Prayers
Advent Calendars
Download an Advent colouring poster
All Age Advent
- Christmas on the Move, our 2016 advent resource with a travelling nativity
- All-Age Advent: Ideas and resources for All Age services from Kids Friendly.
- Engage Together - Advent: Lectionary-based Children’s Talk + Multi-age activities for Sundays in Advent
- Engage Together – Intergenerational Worship Resources for Advent 2017
- Advent & Christmas (Messy Church Pinterest)
- A Kids Friendly Advent - a great resource put together by our friends at the Presbyterian Church of NZ
Advent at home
- Advent Wonder: A free, printable booklet to give out to families with weekly reflections, daily activities, puzzles, and an Advent Challenge Chart to stick on the fridge.
- 2017 Multi-Age Advent Ideas for Households (United Methodist Church)
- Advent at Home Resources (United Methodist Church)
- Advent Candle image with prayers
- Picture Advent: Daily devotions, Photo-a-day challenge, Youth and Family activities, Church Resources
- Jesus Storybook Bible: Advent readings using this great book, by Zondervan.
- Faith at Home - Ideas to celebrate Christmas and Advent